Tuesday 15 November 2011

After Effects walk cycle V3

Again keeping the keyframe spacing consistent and working with just one ground level for both feet. I also tried to make it a little less robotic by making the head bob up and down. I tried to keep the feet steady on the ground to improve the impression of weight as he walks. The front foot slips below the ground level on the "up" position which I really need to fix — looks a bit floaty. I also tried to drag the feet a bit and make them flop around to make them a little more lively. It's still iffy, but it's getting there! I think I probably need more space between each keyframe as it seems a little too quick.

Not terribly happy with the rear arm. It's pretty choppy but for some reason I found it difficult to animate accurately... then again it's been something I struggle with in any walk cycle! Perhaps because it's a direct copy of the front arm so it doesn't quite match up to the rest of the body when positioned behind. I probably need to completely re-make it.

The frame spacing might be a little too uniform. People's legs aren't exactly timed like this — some pick up their feet slower and drop them more quickly or vice versa. I might even try getting Craig to walk around a bit for me and try to replicate how he actually walks with the puppet!

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